Much of the music and sound effects for my poems in this blog came from:
Royalty Free offers a comprehensive music library of production music for your various royalty free music needs including full albums, tracks and free music clips, loops, and beats available for download.
And was mixed by Nick Hopkins ...... thank you Nick.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Innocence Stolen

If you have been following this blog please don't give up on it because of this one poem. I have put it up in the sincere hope that it will help someone else who has been through a similar ordeal.
I am well aware that this is way off my usual beaten track, however it is perhaps the most important poem (especially from my own point of view) that I have ever written. It is believed that 10% of Australians have been abused as a child in one form or another, this is over 2 million people a staggering number I think you will agree. Most like myself are silent for years, some never speak up. It has taken me the best part of 50 years to be open and admit that I was sexually abused as a boy and on through my teenage years by various men.
You may well ask why I did not speak out earlier. The answer is simple, shame and guilt. Both misplaced feelings I have finally learned but they have eaten away at me for years and I believe affected the person I became.
Depression has dogged me for years but I truly believe I have beaten it, I have survived and I am proud of that fact.
The perpetrators of abuse when caught and if convicted get what is relatively a slap on the wrist and very little jail time compared to the life sentence which their victims such as myself receive from them.
Audio and pictures via YouTube is at the end of the poem please have a listen.
I’m told that I’m
a survivor, if so I survived in my own way,
You know I’ve been
to Hell, but I hope to arrive back any day,
I had my naiveté
torn away when I was less than ten,
By someone less
than human not fit to walk with men.
He warned me to be
silent or else I would die,
Was that the day a
young child, lost the ability to cry?
The threat was
real; my child’s mind imagined death,
As in silence I
cowered, trying to catch my breath.
But my innocence
was stolen, by more than one man,
Now nearly half a
century later I think it’s time I took a stand,
Because for all
that time I’ve lived with shame and disgust,
Built a wall
around me because I felt there was no one I could trust.
Raised by my
mother I looked for a father figure in my world,
Never realizing
the degradation that was about to be unfurled,
I thought these
men were leaders as my childhood was trampled in the dirt,
I came to believe
their behavior normal, but in my heart of heart’s I hurt.
My dreams at night
were haunted I knew not what they meant,
I would wake in
fear and sweating, my body tired and spent,
As an adult I have
often thought the future was very bleak,
I often doubted I
had the strength to survive another week.
Now I’m told I am
a victim; I struggle to believe that this is true,
But if I am a
victim then my wife became a victim too,
temper and mood swings, she tried to break down my wall,
A thankless task,
she suffered rejection as I headed for a fall.
If people got too
close to me I’d turn away and close a door,
Wanting too be
near to me always bought my anger to the fore,
Despair was eating
me like a cancer, from the inside out,
Even my own skills
and abilities I began to doubt.
I have struggled
through my days trying not to show my pain,
I would refuse to
reveal my thoughts as I put up the wall again,
But now I’m
beginning to learn that I don’t need to feel any shame,
There’s no reason
for me to hang my head; I was not the one to blame.
So it seems the
time has come for me to exorcise the demon,
Yes, now has come
the time to give my life a new meanin’,
For to give in now
would mean that the scumbags had won,
It’s time to push
away the thunder clouds, time to see the sun.
To ride out like Saint
George when he went to face the Dragon,
Tear down my wall
and place the bricks upon a wagon,
For sake of wife
and family I must face the world anew,
Although I won’t
forget lost innocence and a child that never grew.
I must beat the
demons that haunt me; I know the past is gone,
Spew out all the
sordid thoughts, that I had buried for so long,
Let the woman who
loves me near, let her breach my wall,
So we can stand
together, and muffle the Devil’s call.
And yes the battle
will be ongoing; the war is far from won,
But there is light
at the end of the tunnel, I think I can see the sun,
And the ones who stole
my innocence will be defeated in the end,
And I thank God
for the people who I can truly call my friends.
And if you read or
hear this verse spare not a thought for me,
But think of lost
innocence and a child that will never be,
Protect and love
your children the most valuable asset on this earth,
So they may reach
their full potential and realize their true worth,
And if you once
were a victim may you grow forever stronger,
Face and beat your
demons and you will be a victim no longer,
Look towards the
future and see the rainbow in the sky,
And fellas know
and remember its okay for a man to cry.
Thank you!
Corin Linch 13/5/08
Friday, 18 May 2012
The Jackeroos New Whip
The noise rang around
the station and echoed through the creek,
you were having a yarn you couldn’t hear yourself speak.
There were jackeroos
with stock whips, learning all the cracks,
But they never used
them when astride their horse’s backs.
All this blooming
whip cracking was driving Dick insane,
He’d get minute or
two of peace then mongrels started up again.
That’s it he thought
I’ve had enough, so to the quarters he did drive,
And a jackeroo
perfected the Sydney Flash, just as he did arrive.
The boss pulled up in
a cloud of dust, got out and slammed the door,
His anger was
obvious, and his look chilled me to the core.
But he just asked
"Is that a good whip?" in a quiet friendly tone,
"To right"
said the jackeroo clutching it like a dog would a bone.
But the boss just
smiled and nodded, then asked if he could take a look,
As he reached out and
the kangaroo hide whip, he calmly took.
Now the jackeroo was
proud of his brand new seven foot whip,
It had a nice long
cane handle, and a fancy plaited grip.
Every night outside
the quarters, he'd practise with that thing,
With all manner of
different cracks he'd make those ranges ring.
Sixteen Kangaroo hide
strands a master craftsman piece of work,
Normally if anyone
else touched his whip the young bloke went berserk.
This was different;
shortly Dick would say that his whip was the best,
And that to own such
a whip, well he must be truly blessed
But Dick now with
whip in hand, he quickly turned his back.
Boy oh boy, was he
ever sick to death of listening to it crack?
With pocket knife in
hand he proceeded to turn seven foot into one,
The kangaroo hide
whip was seven pieces, when he'd cut and done.
And the young bloke
was dreaming of flicking flies off the back of a cow,
When the boss threw
the pieces over his shoulder, and said,
”Crack the Bloody thing now!"
© Corin Linch (Rewrite) 12/11/07
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Black Caviar #21
Well the mighty mare did it under a strangle hold win number 21 and group one number 11 ........ now if all goes well it is off to England to race before Her Majesty the Queen.
came to Morphettville in their thousands; they’d come to see the star,
thousand strong packed in to cheer, the champion Black Caviar.
eight other horses lined up beside her to test this great mare out,
a fifty to one on or tighter the bookmakers were in no doubt.
she won the race in a canter; Nolen never touched her with the whip,
We’re Gonna Rock tried his heart out, he certainly had a dip.
though the best is yet to come, she hasn’t been extended thus far,
day they’ll scorch the turf beneath the mighty Black Caviar.
British scribe was sceptical and stated that she hasn’t beaten much,
I presume this man is educated, but wow, he’s certainly out of touch.
group one’s to her credit, come on, she’s the best you’ve ever seen,
she is heading your way mate, to parade and race before the Queen.
you expect her to go to you but I wonder why won’t you come to us?
it’s off to Royal Ascot where she’s bound to cause a fuss.
the 23rd of June our Nellie is scheduled step out and take on the
the Diamond Jubilee you’ll see Australia’s excitement machine unfurled.
it’s sure a hell of a plane trip for her to get from here to over there,
Australian fans are hoping she is relaxed and calm while in the air.
we want her to arrive healthy and fit the English turf then to grace,
leave the naysayers speechless once they’ve seen her race.
your prize-money and trophies she will come and plunder,
definitely leave you breathless this champion from down under.
salmon and black colours she has made famous on racetracks over here,
it will be a privilege for you folk to see her in the Northern hemisphere.
Corin Linch 13/5/12
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