Saturday, 8 October 2016

`Don't Feel Sorry For Me'


I was reciting a bit of poetry from under the shade of a tree,
When a woman asked me name, then said she felt sorry for me.
It seems to me she had the bull by the horns instead of by the tail,
And I can’t be held to blame if her hearing’s beginning to fail.

Ah shit, I think I’ve offended her, now that will never do,
The Great Australian Freedom has got me in the pooh!
I only told them whinging migrants to stop crying on my sleeve,
That if they weren’t happy here, they’ve got the right to `bloody` leave.

I said we were a Christian country and English was our tongue,
We have been this way for two hundred years when all is said and done.
Christianity was the principles this country was founded on; we give a fair go,
We don’t want them to change our culture or tell us how to run our show.

Persecuted in their own country they come here then whinge because they’re free?
At least I got some one thinking; I’ll mark that up as one to me,
For someone to take the time out and consider giving me a serve,
I reckon I must be on a winner; because I must have touched a nerve.

I know my words don’t please everyone but I’ve never really tried,
And some of my views in this verse will put me well off-side.
But don’t feel sorry for me, just look at the world in which we live,
And just look at Australia it might need all the sympathy you have to give.

For years we’ve welcomed migrants because that’s the Australian way,
But we don’t wanna hear them whinging if they wanna stay.
Perhaps it’s the whinging migrants, who are more deserving of your pity,
The ones who form their little enclaves in our capitol cities.

So don’t feel sorry for me, cos I couldn’t give a stuff;
And if you don’t like my words; well, that’s bloody fair enough;
It’s obvious my sentiments about this country you don’t share,
Unlike me about Australia; I don’t think you flaming care!

© Corin Linch 7/1/07

The Great Australian Freedom

I recited this poem at the markets in Jurien one day and a woman came up to me and said she felt sorry for me :) so when I got home I wrote a poem called `Don't Feel Sorry for Me`
If this poem upsets you too bad listen to the words I make no apology.


Our forebears came to this country many in convict ships and chains,
And backs showed the scars where the cat-o-nine tails had reined.
Australian culture has developed since the time of the first fleet,
It has never been an easy task to put this great country on her feet.

This country was founded on Christian principles, but we allow freedom of religion here,
And even if you pray to a different God, you won’t have to hide or live in fear
We have no national motto but `In Our Mate’s We Trust`,
Here everyone gets a fair go, because that’s an Australian must.

Australia is an English speaking country, and here we say thank you and please,
Our national language is not Italian, Arabic, Polish or Lebanese.
We are proud of our Flag, our sporting achievements, and proud of the Southern Cross?
And in settling this vast country many people suffered hardship and loss.

Australians have fought in many battles, sometimes incurring a huge loss of life,
Yet a true Aussie will always stand ready to help a mate, especially if he’s in strife.
Now that I’ve told you a few things about our history and heritage, perhaps you’ll begin to understand
Why Australians can be so parochial about this Great southern Land.

Like I said this is our country, our lifestyle, our land and our flag,
Yes, I’m bloody proud of it and on occasions it gives me cause to brag.
But strangers come here to live and then say they don’t like our traditions or our rules,
Their children often receive free education, but they don’t like what is taught in our schools.

They have come to this country to escape war, persecution and strife,
Yes, they say they left their homeland in search of a better way of life.
We’ll give them an equal opportunity and we’ll give them a fair go,
But don’t complain or start telling us Aussies how to run our show.

And if our national anthem offends you, I suggest you live elsewhere,
But there is only one Australia, and our way of life is extremely rare.
No doubt some people will be offended because I speak my mind,
I’m only saying what many think; I don’t mean to be unkind.

But for people who are unhappy with their many freedom’s here,
Let me tell them something and I hope I make it crystal clear;
When they’ve finished whinging and wiping their tears on my sleeve;
Remember they can choose that other great Australian freedom;

© Corin Linch 31/8/07 (Rewrite)