Sunday, 28 August 2016

More on the Flag an older poem

OUR FLAG-(Rewrite)

I saw on the news one Australia Day, some bloke burn our flag,
I tell you when he spit upon it; I just about lost me rag.
Our flag is something that once would cause the whole country to unite,
Now we allow people to spit upon it so they can vent their spite.

I couldn’t help thinking of all who had fought to keep this country free,
 I thought about the service men that had made the ultimate sacrifice for me.
The majority of us do not forget those that paid the ultimate price,
But their comrades in arms might ask why they made that sacrifice.

To burn and spit upon our flag shows disrespect for those that went before,
Disrespect to all who fought for our rights in the horrors of the war.
So was it all a waste?   No mate we thank you for what you done.
And like you we’d like to see them flogged, the flag burning SCUM.

What about our athletes who are so proud, as our flag is raised on high?
And when they play the National anthem a tear forms in their eye.
Some Aussies said they wanted flag burning to be against the law,
But the Prime Minister shook his head and said “He wasn’t sure.”

I can’t believe anyone is allowed to desecrate our national flag;
But to see them spit upon it; well my anger makes me want to gag.
The journalists don’t help when they put these Wankers on the news,
Let me tell you; flag burning is no way for anyone to air their views.

They should be locked up; I don’t think they’ll be any loss;
I’ll salute the service men and I’m proud of the Southern Cross.
No one should be aloud to burn the flag under which so many died,
The government must pass a law and restore some ANZAC pride.

© Corin Linch 28/1/06

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